Sunday, November 28, 2010

Drunk Driving/DUI Laws

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Uniformed officers are shining lights in your face, asking you to complete confusing tests and handcuffing you. You’re being arrested for a DUI. You have no idea where to turn for help, but when the police read you your Miranda Rights, you suddenly remember that you have a right to an attorney. But how do you find one in your state? Simple:

At, we’re simplifying the process of finding a qualified DUI attorney right in your state to represent you. No more thumbing through the yellow pages – everything you need to know is right here. But why should you hire a DUI lawyer? Isn’t that expensive? The real answer is that you can’t afford not to!

Reasons to Hire a DUI LawyerEvery state now has strict DUI penalties in place to prevent people from drinking and driving. How does jail time, probation, community service or vehicle impoundment sound? What about losing your job or facing fines and court fees in excess of $5,000? Even for a first DUI conviction, you could lose your driver’s license, have insurance coverage problems, have an ignition interlock device installed in your car or be assigned to take alcohol education classes at your expense. Did you know a DUI conviction can also mean restricted interstate and international travel? What if you could avoid all or most of these penalties? This is why you need to find an experienced DUI lawyer!

DUI laws are complicated, state-specific and ever-changing. Only a skilled DUI lawyer in your state will know the best ways to defend the charges against you. Luckily, every state has experienced lawyers who specialize in this complicated field of law. Find one right here at!

What You Need to Know about Driving Under the InfluenceIn every state, it is illegal to drive a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08% or more. Your BAC can be determined through chemical testing from your blood, breath or urine. Every state also has an Implied Consent Law, which means that if you have a driver’s license, you’ve impliedly consented to submitting to a chemical test if properly asked by police. If you refuse a chemical test, you could face harsher consequences. Your DUI lawyer will explain and also investigate if your chemical tests were conducted properly. If not, your test results may not hold up in court.


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